Production Line Machine Processing Development
A project that integrates pneumatics, a control array, and user interface.

The Problem
Automatic placement of hard items on plastic wings integrated with rubber areas, high work rate, without causing damage to plastic and rubber parts.

The Need
In the automotive industry: improving work rates, introducing hard parts into plastic ones with rubber areas, execution of time costs and on-the-go inspection during assembly, marking off with a “Pass”/”Fail” stamp.

Project Requirements
Designing a machine for the automobile industry to improve quality of insertion of a hard part into another piece made of plastic and rubber. This part comes in right and left versions and in two different lengths. Performing an on-the-go component assembly check during the process, and marking with, “OK”/”Not OK.” The customer determines the machine size and location in the production line.

Activity Modes
Studying the assembly process, examining the insertion of hard parts into different products, defining the quality check — Pass or Fail. Presentation of concept and improvement, receiving comments, planning and sending to production, integration, and activation.

A machine was introduced into the line and improved the process, significantly increasing the work rate. One person operates the machine, and there is a very low quantity of rejects in comparison to the previous manual process.